rupert jaeger
agent #034
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  I have been working with rentner collective since its humble beginnings. My involvement has been of an artistic as well as an organizational nature. Hosting is at the moment one of my main contributions to the collective. Artistically I am interested in the social structures of the group, how these structures emerge and manifest themselves, how they enable people to feed of each other and how this collaborative environment constantly pushes rentner in new territories. Most of all, I am interested in the question of whether this collaborative environment and its development manifest themselves in a distinctive artistic identity from which one can draw conclusions about the artistic character of the group/movement as a whole.
ahmed baradah
joseph ismail

the players
Because of my general involvement with rentner collective, I did not approach 'this is rentnercollective?' as a self-contained project, but as part of a wider context and process and therefore my part in it as an artist was probably somewhat unclear. Especially in the early days, I found it a bit difficult to separate from that my involvement in it as someone who contributes organizationally.
  Initially I did not really consider myself as one of the participating artists. Instead I concentrated on enabling to act as a tool for communication between the artists working on the project. For instance, in the preparation phase of 'this is', we set up a section of the site where the artists involved could present their proposals to each other (the section required a password), where summaries of our meetings were presented, where suggestions were made, etc. As time progressed, however, people started to pursue their own paths and formed their own liaisons, which meant that there was no more need for a centralized communication tool between them.

As the project entered its final phase I felt my contribution to the show should reflect and interpret this collaborative process. I wanted this to be in the form of an artwork, but one, which due to its concept, not only reflects the above, but also analyzes and therefore offers a conceptual tool for making this process more efficient. Surrounded by small objects that comment on the corporate identity of rentner, I therefore presented R review#7 with its central subject of the sculpting(Down) methodology, which aims to achieve exactly that.